Why B2B Web Design Should Go Beyond Being a Digital Brochure: Fueling Product Marketing Through Dynamic Experiences


Close your eyes and picture this: You’re about to hit publish on a brand new website you’ve just created for your business. What does it look like? What kind of features does it have? What actions can visitors expect to take on the website?

We’re at the stage of maturity on the web where we’re past convincing people that a website is more than just a digital business card for your company. Even in the world of B2B, mobile responsive websites are the norm and modern web technologies allow for some really interesting visual storytelling opportunities These technologies have transformed both business presentations and user expectations. 

Yet many still treat their B2B site as a static flyer or brochure, missing out on opportunities to connect with audiences and add value to the way they sell their products and services. For B2B, especially tech sectors, having a dynamic digital experience that goes beyond the basic marketing website is a powerful gateway to better digital marketing.

To all the Product Marketing Managers out there who need a way to advocate for a better website to the powers-that-be, this is the article for you.

What are the key components of a dynamic B2B website?

First, let’s talk about what we mean by “dynamic” website in comparison to a “static brochure” website. 

A brochure website is one that has basic information, the kind you might find in a brochure, and very few (if any) advanced features or media like videos and animations that add to the experience of the website. Brochure websites tend to be “static,” meaning that they do not contain features that allow for frequently updated content. An example of a small, static brochure website might include a simple homepage, a few pages for products or services, an about page, and a contact page. A website like this may include some calls-to-action for sales, but likely won’t sections of content that automatically update as pages are created or revised within the website’s content management system. 

In comparison, a dynamic website does contain features that are automatically updated. Here are a few examples of dynamic content.

  1. Blog feeds with thought leadership or industry insights, etc
  2. Project portfolios
  3. Lists of related content on product, service, or project pages
  4. Educational resources like white papers or webinars

The important distinction is that these are sections of content that are updated frequently, with new content being added on a regular basis. 

There are multiple reasons why dynamic websites are better than static ones, not least of which is the SEO value. Search engines like Google prioritize websites that are frequently updated–so by steadily adding and revising content over time, you show search engines that your website is fresh, and by having those content updates ripple across your website it increases the impact of your content strategy. This also gives users multiple additional pathways to view more content and circulate throughout the website.

To create a dynamic, effective B2B website, there are several essential components to consider:

Multimedia Integration: A picture may speak a thousand words, but videos, infographics, and interactive demos can communicate even more. Integrating various multimedia elements can simplify complex concepts, showcase product functionality, and create a more immersive experience.

Lead Generation Tools: A dynamic website isn't just about sharing information; it's about capturing potential business opportunities. Tools like chatbots, pop-up forms, interactive quizzes, and webinars can engage visitors, turning casual browsers into potential leads.

Feedback Mechanisms: Incorporating avenues for feedback, be it through comments, surveys, or direct channels, not only boosts engagement but also provides invaluable insights for businesses. Feedback helps companies refine their offerings, understand user pain points, and foster a sense of community.

These elements, when integrated thoughtfully, can transform a B2B website from a passive informational hub to an active, engaging, and conversion-driven platform. In the context of product marketing, a dynamic website becomes not just a tool, but a strategic asset driving growth and fostering lasting business relationships.

What kinds of personalization are crucial for B2B web design?

In the context of B2B, personalization isn't just about addressing the user by their first name. It's a holistic approach that tailors the user experience based on specific needs, preferences, and behaviors. Why does this matter for product marketing?

Segmented Messaging: B2B clients come from varied industries, each with unique needs. Personalization allows for messaging that speaks directly to these needs, making content more impactful.

Enhanced User Journey: Personalized experiences ensure that users are presented with content and options relevant to their interests and industry, smoothing their journey and increasing chances of conversion.

Data Collection & Feedback: As users interact with personalized content, businesses can gather insights on preferences, challenges, and needs, refining their product offerings and marketing strategies.

Building Trust & Loyalty: Tailored experiences make users feel understood and valued. When a B2B company shows that they understand their client's unique challenges and needs, it fosters trust and promotes long-term relationships.

Analytics: Understanding and Refining Your B2B Web Strategy

In Digital, Analytics is the compass that guides businesses in understanding their audience, refining their digital strategies, and maximizing their ROI. As you implement dynamic features and personalization into your website, they shift the way users experience the website–hopefully for the better. But the only way to know whether to optimize the features and content on a website is to monitor the analytics. For B2B websites, analytics plays several pivotal roles:

User Behavior Insights: Analytics tools can reveal granular details about user behavior on a website. From the pages they visit most frequently to the content that holds their attention the longest, these insights are invaluable in refining content strategies and site structure.

Conversion Tracking: Beyond mere visitor metrics, analytics enable businesses to track conversion paths. Which content pieces are driving leads? At what touchpoints are visitors dropping off? Answering these questions helps optimize the user journey towards actions that drive your KPIs.

Personalization Refinement: Analytics provide feedback loops to understand which personalization strategies are working and which need adjustment.

Performance Metrics: A dynamic B2B website is also judged by its technical performance. Load times, mobile responsiveness, and error rates can be monitored and addressed using web analytics, ensuring a seamless user experience.

ROI Measurement: Investments in web design, content creation, and multimedia integration can be substantial. Analytics help companies measure the return on these investments by correlating web performance with lead generation, sales, and other business metrics.

Predictive Analysis: With advancements in AI and machine learning, modern analytics tools can offer predictive insights. These can guide businesses in anticipating user behavior, market shifts, and potential areas of content or product expansion.

Analytics is about deriving actionable, data-driven insights that continually shape and optimize the digital platform. In the realm of product marketing, it’s the foundation of effective campaigns and strategies, ensuring every decision is rooted in data.


The digital realm demands evolving B2B web and marketing tactics. A static approach won't cut it. Embracing dynamic design, personalization, and analytics is key to impactful experiences that boost growth.

At Suits & Sandals, we believe in creating connections between brands and their audiences. In a competitive B2B tech world, it's not just about online presence, but engagement and conversion. Let us guide you, crafting strategies that resonate with your audience and propel your growth.